
Monday, April 24, 2017

Zentangle® on a Beautiful Amanda Day

Happy Amanda Day! Do go read about it over at I am the Diva! For my Earth Day project, I thought I should make complete use of a tile and do the back as well. The red square logo prompted me to use a red gel pen and continue the squares, overlapping them. Then, I added Sez, Rain, and Tipple. I used a bit of rainbow colored pencils as well.
The focus tangle for Square One, Facebook, is to use CZT Beate Winkler's Funbee. I thought it went well with Mooka and a bit of Beadline.
This week, I am sharing a journal page where I explored a bit of Tipple and Rixty. Tipple was one of those tangle that I just didn't like until I ignored the step-outs. I have loved it ever since.
Thanks for stopping by. I do love reading your comments!


  1. Very original idea to tangle on both sides, I like the continuing of the squares in red and the nice balance you have created.
    Funbee in a composition with Mooka and Beadline looks great with those nice shadows.
    And about Tipple: I love that tangle and you can find this one on almost every tile of me (except today) There are so many variations, it is always nice.

    1. I have to admit that a tile was sitting right in front of me, upside down, Ria! That red box was just too tempting! Yes, I use Tipple all the time. The first step-outs I saw had you go all around the string and then fill in. I prefer to let Tipple just splash and drip wherever it wants to go.

  2. Very nice Jean and I particularly liked your Tipple and Rixty.

    1. Thank you so much, Trudi. Rixty is so much fun to let tangelations evolve.

  3. Great challenge tile Jean! I love that you did it in red... but then, I am Canadian, after all! :) I love your Square One tile.... I've never tried Funbee. Your Rixty looks so Fun.... like a party! :)

    1. I am quite fond of red myself, Deanne. It is always a happy color to me. I have always had a red and white kitchen since that is the happiest room to me, LOL! My journal is being used as a place to play with tangles. I do love seeing where Rixty can go!

  4. Nice tiles, Jean. I wonder what went on the other side of your Amanda Day tile. The tangles on the second tile look like all these clown smiles flying around and I'm trying to figure out if I should be afraid of those clown smiles....(hee hee hahaha).


    1. That's funny, Duane. I didn't see that, but of course I can see those evil clowns now. Maybe I have even more clowns on the other side of the Amanda Day tile heh heh :)

  5. Jean, sorry, I should have said this in my comments...I did another tile last minute and added to my blog, come back over and take a look see. Thanks.

    1. Of course you should, Duane. We are all friends here. I think it is fun to hear what people see in a tile. I will be sure to pop back and see what else one of my online friends, soon to be CZT tanglers, had done!

  6. I like how the Zentangle logo disappears into your tangles. Rixty is a Tangle I use often but haven't thought to change the shapes as you have.

    1. Do have some fun with Rixty, Miss L. It's a great one to allow morphing.

  7. Ignore the step outs! We are free! I feel like Dobby when he received the sock from Harry Potter. I love the "use both sides" approach to Earth day. All the tiles are lovely. Now I'm inspired to get tricky with Rixty. Thank you!

    1. Oh, you gave me a good chuckle with that one, Lorna! Love anything Harry Potter! (And Alice in Wonderland!)Go have lots of fun with Rixty. Go have fun with any tangle :)

  8. Fun Idea to use both sides of the tile. Great explorations of tipple and rixty too.

    1. Thanks, Kate. Maybe a bit restricting to do more than once, but there always is the option of covering the back with gesso and going from there.

  9. Well, Jean, where do I start? So much to say. I love all that you've done here. First, the Challenge Amanda Day tile works really well. I hadn't thought about using the back of the tile - that is a great idea. Your 2nd tile is so much fun! I hadn't seen Funbee before, and I had to laugh when Duane said they looked like Clown smiles! Ha ha ha! They really do, but I had to be prompted to see them. :-D Glad to see your journal back here. I like seeing what you do and what you're experimenting with. I learn so much. I've got to break out of my Tipple rut, although I don't do it exactly as the step outs say. ;-) Now to try these other ideas. You made Rixty much more fun. I'll definitely try different shapes with it now. What fun! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Melena. I think everyone will run away now with those scary clown faces, LOL! I will probably bounce back and forth on whatever I add for my third item as the weeks go on. I kind of like having the option to share whatever in that space. Go and have fun with that Rixty!

  10. I do like what you did on the back or the tile :-)

  11. I love the fun "feel" of your Amanda Day tile. Great shadows on the Square One!

    1. It is a bit of a whimsical tile, Melissa, with the wandering boxes and the red. I don't usually do those cast shadows, but the Beadline just seemed to call for it.

  12. Love your Diva piece and the Square One tile is Fab!

  13. A great idea to use both sides of your tile in honor of Mother Earth. I love your variations on tipple.

    1. I am enjoying seeing all the clever ideas out there for recycling, Lianne. Thanks!

  14. Oh, the overlapping red squares!!! Love, love, love!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. It was fun to watch it move!
