
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Zentangle® Beads of Courage and Puffin

Using Beadlines to pull together another Beads of Courage for the I am the Diva challenge this year. I used Gansai Tambi watercolors, in some of the shades associated with specific beads, on a regular Zentangle tile, sprayed it with Shimmer Mist and covered it with crinkled Saran Wrap. When dry, I used some of the shapes I saw to create the beads. 

It was so thrilling to see my tangle, Puffin, show up as the focus tangle on Square One, Facebook. I was so busy commenting on every entry that I ran out of time to do a second. So, here is a repost of the original tile using Puffin with Noom and a link to the stepouts.

Used on a card with Copics
Here is a direct link to some of the wonderful ways that were used to create some fantastic tiles. Thanks for all your support!


  1. I do like your tangle Puffin and every time I see it I tell myself I will use it next time I'm struggling for ideas... One day I will remember it at the right moment! I like the effect you have achieved as your background for the beads tile too - very cheerful and a great setting for the beads themselves.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. As a cardmaker, I love playing with different techniques to make colorful papers. I had kind of forgotten about this way of making a fun background. It's always good to revisit some of the tried and true techniques now and then.

  2. Yes your background is really effective in making a lovely setting for your beads!

    1. Thanks, Trudi. I have been wanting to try that with an official Zentangle tile, and it works!

  3. Hi Jean, this wonderful background is reminiscent of a rainbow and underlines the Beadlines with heart - I love it and also your Puffin :-))
    Gudrun S.

    1. I did put a bit of effort into being sure I wouldn't make "mud" when I selected the colors to be next to each other, Gudrun. This was fun to do. I'm happy you like Puffin too, thank you!

  4. Next time a challenge twists my hand to draw the - for me - dreaded W2 tangle I will jump to your puffin tile and steal it. Your beads tile is very interesting. With minimal drawing you achieved a big visual impact. Well done.

    1. It's always nice to find a tangle that is easy to do but looks a lot harder, Susie. W2 used to be a difficult one for me at one time. Eventually, something finally clicked :) Thanks for your kind comments.

  5. Lovely work Jean! I love that bead tile and Puffin is great.

  6. Finally got here. I've been very busy and just got my tile up. Now I can look at others and make my comments. :-D I love your Beads of Courage tile. What an absolutely lovely background. I have no understanding of how you did it, but it is beautiful. And how wonderful that Square One used your Puffin tangle. I really like it. I think I got the step-outs when you put it up. I'll have to go check to make sure. I've got so many things going on. LOL Have a great week!

    1. LOL, Melena. I always look forward to reading your comments. Here is a link for this truly easy technique. I used to teach it to little ones in my past, and watching this video reminded me of how much fun it was to do. You can even use the cheapest Crayola water colors for this. Just add lots of layers and keep it wet before putting down the cling wrap:

    2. Great video. Thanks Jean. I'm going to try this out for sure. :-D

    3. If you are looking for fun techniques, Jennifer McGuire has tons of fun things to do. I am a cardmaker and I can use a lot of the techniques and then add tangles if I choose. I hope to see what you do over on flickr!

  7. I like you approach to the beads task. Your Noom and Puffin tile is my fav.

    1. Thanks Miss L. I appreciate your comments so much!

  8. Love the technique you used for your BEads tile Jean! I bet it just shimmers in person. The puffin tiles are lovely!

    1. It really is rich in person, Kate. However, I noticed that a piece flaked off! Strange since the Zentangle tiles are such high quality watercolor paper.

  9. I haven't tried the tangle Puffin yet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I love your Beads Tile! The colour saran wrap background is fantastic! I definitely have to try that techique! :)

    1. Thanks, Deanne. Another great technique is to add large salt crystals to the wet watercolor, let dry, and brush off. Try that too.

  10. Beautiful! I love your colorful Beads of Courage tile, and Puffin is great also.

    1. Thanks so much, Sidney, for your kind comment!

  11. I'm with Helena. I was totally wowed by that Diva tile, but I didn't understand your technique. (Shimmer spray took me down the Amazon rabbit hole, where I first got stuck in shimmer make up spray and thought, "This can't be right!!!) Any how, I just hopped over to the "Wrapped Watercolor" post and ogled those cards for a while. Maybe at some point it will all come together and I'll make something, but in the mean time, thanks for the eye candy!!

    1. I sometimes forget that tanglers are not always into mixed media, Jennifer. I should have done more explaining about the shimmer mist. It is used to add sparkle without covering up the original color. Here is a link to see more:
