
Monday, September 11, 2017

Zentangle® Squarz, Btl Joos, and Fleevy

Laura is back at I am the Diva after a long deserved summer break with her family. We all appreciate the fun challenges that her guest bloggers provided us to keep us amused while she was gone.

This week's challenge is to use squares as a string. Of course, I had to go my own way, LOL!
Years ago I came up with an idea to overlap squares like this. At that time, I called it Squarz. Very original, huh?  I used Copic Markers, colored pencils, cut it with a die cut, then edged with Distress Inks.

Since there was no post over at the Diva's, I have two weeks of focus tangles from Square One for you. The first is BTL Joos from Sandy Steen Bartholomew
and, the second is this week's tangle from Hanny Waldburger is, Fleevy.
Thanks for stopping by. I missed all of you last week. As always, I do appreciate the comments you leave.


  1. Happy squares :-) and I really love your Fleevy tile!

    1. Thank you, Ilse. I really like that tangle, Fleevy. I think it could use more exploration on my part in the future!

  2. Your work is lovely! The colors on the squares are amazing!

  3. I really like your Squarz. I think I've seen one like that around, but can't remember where. Maybe it was from you? But I really like your BTL Joos. That is such a unique and very much a Sandy Steen Bartholomew tangle. I love how you did Fleavy - it's so open and floating, especially with the free floating shapes. Mine always turn out so tight. I'll try it different next time. ;-) We are having more hot weather here in Northern California. I think it's going to finally cool off. I can't complain though - no hurricanes here. I was glad to see Linda Farmer put up her post of a new tangle at today with a message that they weathered the storm well. Whew! Have a great week.

    1. I'm sure there must be a tangle like this one already out there, Melena. It really just came from back in my "doodling" days" when I did this all the time while on the phone. From a psychological perspective (psych was my minor when I got my Master's in Education a million years ago where I learned just enough to be dangerous, LOL), doodling squares meant you felt "boxed in", which I truly did at that point in my life. Now thought, I thought it would be fun to color!
      We still have the heat here, but I'm glad because I can still go in my pool. It's the only exercise I can do these days with my back issues.
      I am grateful to live where we have none of these life threatening issues. No hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Just blazing heat now and then :) You have a good week too!

    2. And your own way is so cool! I think you Love squares too!😍

    3. Thanks, Anita. That's my favorite part of Zentangle, finding our own way :)

  4. Your squares are very lively and wonderful colored Jean :-))

  5. Wow Jean, I LOVE this Squarz tile of yours. Great idea and great coloring.

    1. Thanks so much, Annemarie. I'm always looking for tangles that take to color well for one of my students who loves ZIA and Copic markers.

  6. #1) I just left a similar comment on Annemarie's submission. Her Diva Challenge tile reminded me of a work by Mondrian, as does yours. I guess it's the geometric shapes thing, but if the truth be told, I prefer your colors to Mondrian's usual palate of primary colors

    1. I hadn't thought of that, but you are right. I also do my own version of his "Pier and Ocean" that I actually named at one time as well. I'm not fond of primary colors, except red, so you seldom will see them in my artwork, Suzanne. Thanks for reminding me of Mondrian's works.

  7. Very beautiful tiles! I especially like the friendly squares.

    1. Thank you very much, Malerisches, and thanks for stopping by!

  8. These are all lovely Jean;-) I especially love the Diva squares.

  9. Terrific Jean! I love your Diva tile... reminds me of "happy" fabric in my quilting stash! Love the BTL Jobs and Fleavy. 😃

    1. LOL, Deanne, it does look like a fabric! And, I suppose it is very happy :)

  10. I always like colours and those who are used for the Diva's tile are wonderful but this week my favorites are both the black/white tiles, especially the one with Fleevy is gorgeous!

    1. I like the black and white ones better this week myself, Ria. Fleevy is such a fun tangle and I hope I remember to use it again. I'm not good at remembering to use tangles that I enjoyed because it seems that there are always new ones popping up.

  11. These are all terrific. The squarz tile is so retro, like straight out of a late 60's kitchen. Love the colors! and I am inspired to play with Fleavy and get it light and energized like yours. Good work!

    1. I do kind of remember those funky colors and squares in colors like that from my childhood. Along with the "hey, man" that was popular. Funny, I had forgotten about all that. Thanks for the reminder, Heidi Sue!
