
Monday, February 3, 2014

Zentangle® Dare/Challenge, Inchie and ATC

What a great week it was. I got to teach not only a class in Zentangle, but a class of enthusiastic beginning art journalers. I also got to teach a group of wonderful ladies how to use a compass to make perfect squares, triangles, and other shapes just begging to be filled with tangles. Next week, I am presenting Zentangle to a retirement community where I could have 40 to 100 attendees. That should be fun too.

Let's start this week's show and tell with saying Happy Birthday to Erin at The Bright Owl.
Erin's Dare was for us to use our favorite tangle as a gift to her. My favorite tangle is Paradox and I especially love making it adapt to any shape. I used only a partial one on the open tangle.
On to the Weekly Challenge #153 where the Diva challenged us to use Sadelle Wiltshire's Jailed Johnny. I paired this one up with BB and wound up with:
This week's Inchie was the word Cathedral. A bit of a stretch for me to think of something unique. That didn't happen, so I just did a cathedral both inside and outside:

And, Cubism was the prompt for doing some ATC trades with my Yahoo buddies. 
Square stamping, collage and tangles.
Stamped squares, cut up drawn key, added Paradox square.
Splattered inks, stamped squares, cut heart with Verve, Mooka added and additional squares drawn.

(Visitors from "Grow your Blog, please click here.)


  1. Yes it is versatile, and I even embroidered a black shirt with white thread using Paradox that I wear it to some of my bigger demo classes!

  2. Paradox is also one of my favorites. I like what you did this way. Beautiful!
    Also the Diva challenge with Jailed Johnny turned out very well.

    1. Thanks, Carmela. It was a fun Zendala to do. I am anxious to see what everyone did with Jailed Johnny. It was very different.

  3. You hve been busy this week! I am awed by all of them. Love how you got a whole cathedral in an inch. What a great idea

    1. Yes, always busy, but that's a good thing. I don't even like to think of the alternatives HAHA! Squeezing a whole cathedral into an inch was a challenge that's for sure :)

  4. I love your cathedral inchies. Nice idea to see the inside of the cathedral.

    1. Thank you. I think you would have to know what it was though or someone would think it an abstract :)

  5. The Cubism is just way cool!

    I love the Jailed Johnny tile... it reminds me of city vs. country living for some reason!

    And why am I not surprise to see a little tangle in that Cathedral!?!

    1. What a neat take on that Jailed Johnny tile. I didn't think that at all, but I can see why you did. Yes, just have to through tangles (or Copics) in anywhere I can :)

  6. Great tiles, I like how you transferred Jailed Johnny into a fence :)

    1. Thanks. This tangle seems to make people see things in it. Interesting, yes?

  7. Great Zendala. I love how you used Paradox. It's amazing how many people count it as their favorite tangle. It's certainly one of mine. It will probably end up in my Zendala, too. And you're right about Jailed Johnny, it seems that everyone sees something different in it.

    1. Thank you, Audrie. Paradox is so easy, but looks very complicated. It's impressive to muggles

    2. I have to laugh. Never thought of non-zentanglers as muggles, but I will now. It's perfect.

  8. Loooooove your Jailed Johnny zentangle! Great idea to do a cathedral inside and out. And, oh, those Cubist ATC's - especially like the first one!

    1. Thanks, Zoe, isn't it great to be pushed out of your comfort zone and try new things?

  9. Jean, I'm so happy for you that all your classes went well!
    next to that you have been quite busy and did that well too. I like your open zendala and the challenge looks like you had a lot of fun.

    1. Thank you, Annemarie, for always being so supportive of my work.

  10. Love Paradox and your tiny cathedral inchie is so, cute and detailed.

    1. Thanks, Lisette, I actually looked up draw cathedral on the Internet and found one to look at. Otherwise, I can't imagine fitting it in either :)

  11. All your posts are just great!! You are a busy lady! Thanks so much for taking time to comment on my work. I really appreciate it. As for you -- keep up the great work!!

    1. Thank you Ronnie. I comment because you do such nice work :)

  12. Jean it is so fun to see all your work! Great stuff!

  13. Wow you have been busy! I do like the Paradox tangle, it's a new one to me and it reminds me of a rose. Found myself drawing a square inch just to see how much space you actually had for that cathedral :)

    1. HAHA! I used to look at the Inchies and think "no way". But, it can be done AND it is fun fun fun. You should join us :)

  14. Wonderful works this week! Your zendala is very delicate and I like your version of "Jailed Johnny" very much! But my favorites are your wonderful and unique ATC´s! Very creative and imaginative job!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I am always happy to be "pushed" into trying something new. This Cubism was for the ATC trade and I had to do it on a project I am doing in an art journal (I will post that one in a few days on the Art Journal page of my blog.)

  15. Very clever! i love it i love it i love it!

    1. Thanks, Ellen, and thanks for stopping by to leave me a comment. It is so appreciated.

  16. Jean, you are one busy little lady!!! I admire how much you get done in one week!!! And they are all so beautiful and perfect!!! Looks like you're having fun with Inchies and your journaling! I would love to start journaling. (someday) Anyways, you did an awesome job on every piece!!!:0) Share Humanity

    1. Annette, I am at a spot in my life when I want to cram as many things into it as I can. I feel like I spent so many years working and driving there, and so little time doing the things that I love, like creating. So, now is my time and I say phooey on housework. Yes, artists unite!!! Oh, sorry for the sudden outburst, and thank you :)

  17. Always love to see your makes. The inchies are wonderful

    Chrissie x

    1. Thanks, Chrissie, and it is always nice to see you here visiting :)

  18. Paradox is a great tangle. I have not looked at a lot of the zendalas but am guessing that it may be used a lot. Nice job on all you work. I did not think of using in the round.

    1. Thank you, Donald. Do try Paradox in all kinds of shapes. It really is fun and you always get a surprise at the end!

  19. Cool idea to go inside and outside on the Cathedral! Awesome!

    1. Well, Jenn, I wish I could say that was planned. I did the inside first but they, when I looked at it, I thought no one would know what it was supposed to be. So, then I did the outside :) Thank you!

  20. Replies
    1. Thanks, Wendy. And, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate my visitors and their nice comments.

  21. Your work and your website are so much fun! Gosh, how do you have the time to do it all? I love your Zendala this week, especially the outside border!

    Keep tangling & catch some happy!

    Jacque Solomon

    1. I'm glad you enjoy my site and my work. That's why I find the time to do it. It gives me joy!

  22. Paradox is one of my favourites too - love it here, Jean. And really enjoyed your coloured tiles with a mixture of shapes and tangles - really excellent!

    1. Thanks, Annie. ATC's really give you the opportunity to try new things. It was fun to play with collage again. I haven't done that in years. Must get back to it though.

  23. I particularly like your 3 cubism ATCs - they are lovely!! And your favorite is very beautiful. Jailed Johnny is cool ... I never heard of BB. ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thank you, Diane. BB is an official Zentangle pattern. You can find the step outs here:
