
Monday, June 27, 2016

Zentangle® Remix, Merryweather, and an Inchie

This was an interesting idea from I am the Diva. Laura had us digging through our old tiles to do a "Remix" and see what we came up with. I found this old tile, from 2013, of a sad Purk. I tried to revitalize it with Arukas, Molygon, Tipple, and Munchin. The only change I made to Purk was to push the original shading around a bit more.
Original 2013 tile

The focus tangle from Square One, Facebook, is Merryweather from CZT Sandy Hunter. I kept it simple and true in the center and then let myself wander as I reached the edges.

Finally, Every Inchie Monday's prompt word is Physics. Now, maybe I've really gone off the deep end on this one, but when I was a child my mom had to take physics. It is an old word for laxative LOL!

If you have a moment, I would most appreciate it if a few of you would go to this link and vote for my Copic colored coloring book page. Dover has a contest and voting goes until the 30th. I just entered it yesterday, so I probably have few votes, if any. Thank you.

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Zentangle® with Red, Groovy, and an Inchie

The Diva Challenge #272 prompt is "What's black and white and red all over!" What a fun idea. I grabbed a tile, red, black, and white gel pens and a red colored pencil and a regular pencil and off I went.
I used Crescent Moon, Molygon, Sprinkle, and Xircus.

Square One, Facebook, has a prompt tangle of Groovy by  Eden Hunt. I took some liberties (I guess you're used to that by now LOL!) and added a variant of Footlites as well.
And, the prompt word for Every Inchie Monday is "Party". Now, I'm not one for parties. I don't like, what to me is stress, when there are too many people. And, I certainly don't like to dress up anymore. But, if I were to accept an invitation to a party, it would be to a tea party in Wonderland! Would you?

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Zentangle® Rundle, Beads of Courage, and an Inchie

Beads of Courage is the prompt for this week's challenge from I am the Diva. Do go over and read what this represents. It is heartwarming to see little Artoo find comfort in these. I used some Distress Inks that I smooshed onto my craft sheet, added a spray or two of water and dipped a tile. I used Sharpie fine tipped colored markers, some colored pencils and added some white gel pen dots at the end.
The focus tangle for Square One on Facebook is from CZT Ela Rieger and is called Rundl. I really like this tangle. Give it a try. You don't really need to stress with this one at all! (Of course, you know I had to push it a bit!)
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word is Radio. When one of my sons was young I told him that I was concerned that I couldn't seem to keep track of what I was doing and that my memory was not as sharp as it used to be. He told me that even young people were having the same kind of issues. His theory is this: With all those radio waves and cell phone and TV signals going through the air, we should realize that if they can go through cement buildings that they probably are going through our head. Interesting theory and a Google search indicates that he is not the only one who has had that thought. In any case, I sure love any excuse for my lapses in memory. LOL!

Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your comments!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Zentangle® C-Wing and an Inchie

Well, you know I am usually prompt in posting. This week, the Diva has a good reason not to have posted yet, but I do need to move on. So, I will post two of the Square One tangles instead and get my Inchie up that I normally post on Monday.
This week the focus tangle is C-Wing byStaub Korn. Kept it simple for the first one and then did C-Wing with "nZepple, Perfs, and Tipple.

And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word is Gastly.

 "Gastly grim and ancient Raven 
wandering from the Nightly shore
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore?"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Edgar Allan Poe

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving comments. I truly enjoy reading them!