
Monday, September 19, 2016

Zentangle® Mindfully, Fife, Showgirl, and an Inchie

Laura, from I am the Diva, suggested that we slow down and do Zentangle the way it was intended and the way we were taught as Certified Zentangle Teachers. I know I am quite guilty of rushing through challenges and prepping tiles for classes myself and don't spend nearly enough time doing Zentangle the way it was intended. So, this morning I got my cup of coffee, turned off my computer and just tangled. No masterpiece in mind. It was relaxing, as it should be. Hope you will try it too!
I used Tidal, Pendrills, and Pea-Nuckle.

The focus tangle for Square One, Facebook, is to use Fife. I found that letting it just wander freely made for an interesting look.

Since I love color and one of my students has requested a bit of help with Showgirl by Vicki Basset, I did this monotangle adding some Polychromos colored pencil to the blue Micron pen.

And, finally, Every Inchie Monday has a prompt of Infinity. I just couldn't get this out of my mind and had to do it LOL! My boys loved this movie!

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. Love the second tangle and who could indeed resist the infinity quote lol, like you, it was stuck in my grandson loves the movies.


    1. Thanks, Sally. They were great movies for kids. Adults too though :)

  2. Great work this week. Lines are so meditative!

    1. Interesting, Charlotte. I don't think I thought of it while I was doing it, but you are right!

  3. I like all three !!!! Gudrun S.

  4. Amazing drawing and a great idea for the inchie Jean

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. i like them all three - specially the coloured one - Gudrun S.

  6. Very nice and relaxing tiles, all three, your Fife is beautiful but also Showgirl is drawn so well and it looks awesome in these colors.
    Unfortunately I don't know the movies on which you have based the inchie.

    1. The movie is "Toy Story", Ria. The little toy space traveler character is Buzz Lightyear. He is always ready for an adventure and shouts "To infinity and beyond" as he embarks. It's just one of those cute kids movies that they want to watch over and over.

  7. Jean, love your tile and you used 3 tangles I rarely use, and like very much. I, like you, seem to get so caught up in doing some of the challenges that I haven't spent much time doing the Zen relaxing that I so love to do! This challenge was a great reminder for me! 👍🤗

    1. Yes, Patty, I think this was a wake up call to a lot of us!

  8. The colours of Showgirl are fab, Jean. I love that you let Fife just do wherever; the pattern can be sooooo demanding of perfection. It takes on a whole new look, so free! C

    1. I'll let you in a not so secret secret, Cheryl. One of the reasons I like to "mess" with tangles is because I just simply can't let myself be boxed in by "musts"! So, free flowing tangles just make me happier.

  9. Is the movie toy story? I'm not familiar with your image

    1. Yes, Kia. It is "To infinity and beyond" all in symbols here :)

  10. love the tangles but the showgirl tangle is beautiful! I also love the take on the inchie!

  11. Fun tile for the diva challenge. Tangles that I don't often use, and you have used them so nicely. Also, Love your showgirl tile.

    1. Those aren't my go to tangles either, Kate. I did one of those "open the book and stab" things :) Thank you!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Michele. I thing Showgirl has a lot of potential.

  13. This was a great challenge, wasn't it? I like your basic tile, Jean. And I especially like the last one, so full of color.

    1. Yes, Annemarie, it was nice to get back to plain old Zentangle. Quite relaxing as well. Thank you for your sweet comments :)

  14. Your tile with peanuckle looks so beautiful and really relaxed! Last days i thought about using pendrills again, and now i feel more inspired to do it :-)!
    I liked what you have written, too. Also the tile with fife and Showgirl. So you also love the polychromos? Best wishes and bwt also thanks a löst for your comment, Nadine

    1. Thank you, Nadine. I used to avoid Peanuckle because I just couldn't get it to look right. It's one of those tangles that took some time to make sense to me, but I love how it looks. Yes, I love Polychromos, but I love just about anything that adds color so I tend to bounce from one to another all the time :)

  15. Great inchie and tangles, the subjects don''t get any easier do they.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I'm already stressing over next week's word :(

    2. No stressing, Jean! Do a Zen tangle. ;-) You'll do just fine.

    3. LOL, Melena. I just prefer to do something unique. Some of the words we have had make it difficult to find something different to do.

  16. I really like what you did with the Diva Challenge. I have used those tangles just once or twice if at all. Looks very relaxing. I have a hard time with Fife as I always want to make it perfect. I think I'll try your idea and just let it flow. :-D I like how it turned out. And Showgirl looks great. I love the colors you used. I've tried it a few times in my sketchbook, but so far I haven't "gotten" it. I'll have to try again. And your Inchie about Infinity - I like what you did with it, but I never did see that movie so I didn't get what it was about. Now I get it.

    I finally got my Diva Challenge completed. I really needed that Zen space and last night was the perfect time for it. It was quiet and no one around. Ahhhh.

    1. It's good to grab a tangle that you haven't done in a while, or even one you never even tried, Melena. Sometimes I have to step away from a "difficult" tangle because if it is hard to do there is no Zen. Except for Mooka of course. I practiced that one forever before I could get my brain to make it move in the right direction. I loved it too much to give up on that one though :)

  17. Nice work Jean, the mindfulness side is why I'd love to do a class with a CZT, it's hard to pick up by yourself. Beautiful work.

    1. Suse, so many of my students take the beginner class with annoyance since I require it before moving on. They have been doing, what they think is Zentangle for a long time. However, there is a lot of gasping and wows going on as I explain what Zentangle is really all about and how to make it your own. No one has left without learning things they didn't know and things that will make their love of Zentangle grow even more.

  18. Showgirl is looking so pretty in color! must try it. All the tiles are lovely.

    1. I am having a lot of fun using Showgirl. I'm happy that someone used it and so I found it, Maghna. Thank you :)
