
Monday, September 29, 2014

Zentangle® Strings, Tipple vs Perfs, and an Inchie

For this week's challenge, # 187, the Diva asked us to do our string with our eyes closed. This is the string I made.

Which turned into this.
Half a Verve, direction changing Facade, Mooka, Onamato, Squid, and some embellishments. 

Square One: Purely Zentangle®,  had us working with Betweed. I had someone ask the difference between Tipple and perfs, so I added some perfs (pearl like dots around a tangle as used in old manuscripts) and a couple of auras.

 And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Throne". Well, you know I wanted to do the porcelain throne, but thought too many would go that direction, so I had to dig deeper. I found some interesting things about angelic hierarchies and throne angels. I did the first one using oil pastels with the scratch method of layering black over lighter colors then scraping off. But, I wasn't sure it cold be seen as an angel, so I did another with a Copic sprayed background and gel pens.

Thanks for stopping by and I love to read all your comments.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Zentangle® Some Leaves and a Salmon Inchie

Oh what fun this week's Challenge from the Diva was. Leaves! Well, I live in the Phoenix area. Our leaves stay on the trees until February and then grow back in February. But, I grew up in the East, so I do remember the glorious colors of fall.
I used my Copics with an airbrush for the background over a silk leaf. Turned it into Aquafleur with a Diva Dance stem. Added some simple Tipple and Meer. Highlights were added to the orange lines with a yellow marker and the shadows are a cream colored marker (Distress). Finally, a bit of Wink of Stella over the black and stem. Yes, a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art)!

Square One: Purely Zentangle on Facebook added DEX to the mix this week. The first one didn't really do it for me so I did a second where I added Pearlz, and Reef by Judy Lehman

And, finally, for this week's Inchie from Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "salmon". I've never really liked that color for some reason. I was having trouble thinking of what to do and so I went grocery shopping. The salmon caught my eye. That's when I realized that the only ones who can afford to eat salmon, for $14.99 a pound, would be the bears!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Zentangle® a Challenge, an Inchie, and an Announcement


Gift to Me From Sakura - YUMMY!
Finally I can tell you that I have been chosen by Sakura to represent their products and Zentangle® this year at the AZ Teachers' Conference in November. I had to go through an extensive application process, first through Sakura and then through the AZ committee. It took many months, but I was finally selected. I am so excited. Sakura sent me all the materials (complete Apprentice kit for 26 and much more) I need to teach AZ teachers how to use Zentangle as a classroom tool. I'll let you know how it turns out.

The Challenge this week from the Diva was to use Phicops and Diva Dance as a duotangle. Read all about it here.
 I don't know if I already shared this photo with you, but I teach at Hobby Lobby and this was in the corner:
Diva Dance Broom in the Wilds

 For the Facebook Group, Square One: Purely Zentangle, the tangle to use was Fescu. I added some Rain, Misst, and Jetties. Looks like I prefer my tangles to grow from the bottom up HAHA!

Over at Every Inchie Monday, they called for "Schedule". As you can see I eat while I "Internet" which is most of my day LOL!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Zentangle® Creatively and an Inchie

I would request that you get your imagination in gear and try to see where I was going with this week's challenges. My faithful followers know I just love to step outside the box just to see what a tangle can do. This week, Challenge 184, the Diva asked us to use the new official tangle Ing. Well, I was show a tangler friend of mine how to do it. She is not a friend of grids or geometric tangles, so I had to show her how to turn this into an organic tangle. I added a bit of Fescu, Tipple, and half a Verve. I know many of you will see things in this one.

I finally decided to post the first one I did where I took Ing down the center and then just kind of let it keep exploding. I kind of got a bit lost along the way :) I added a bit of 'Nzeppel to the triangles of the wandering pieces.

 The Facebook group, Square One, Purely Zentangle®,  had Quib as this week's tangle. I added Courant, Mysteria and Verve
And, again with a request for you to use your imagination, the prompt for this week's Every Inchie Monday was RED. We buy big boxes of Tootsie Roll Pops, but I only eat the red (well, sometimes the brown, but that would ruin my entry!) I am still playing with quilling and my quilling friends should click on the top and go to my Copics and Paper Fun page and see the Christmas tree I quilled. No great at it yet, but having fun learning something new.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Zentangle® the Diva Challenge, Auraknot and an Inchie

I didn't know they celebrated Labor Day in Canada, but I guess they do except it is Labour Day. I am getting so used to seeing colour and words with those extra "u's" that I hardly notice them anymore :) I hope everyone who celebrates this holiday had a great one! Anyway, the Diva took the day off so here we are on a Tuesday with the Challenge. This week's challenge was a UMT (Use my Tangle) and she selected our good friend, Annette Carlo's tangle, X-DID. Do pop over to her site and let her know what a great job she did on this tangle.

X-DID is a grid based tangle. Since I am a Zentangle purest, that means NO ruler. So, my finished tile, a monotangle, is just a bit wonky. Well, maybe a LOT a bit wonky LOL:
White Gelly Roll pen with charcoal shading
Monday's Inchie, a bit late, was the word Renaissance. Lots of ways to go with this one, but I know that one of the most important inventions of the day was the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Books=Knowledge. I couldn't live without books!

Drawing of a page from an old book with an attempt at an illuminated letter.

And, finally, from Square One: Purely Zentangle, Auraknot with some Ahh added.