
Monday, August 31, 2015

Zentangle® Zenith, Yincut, and an Inchie

The Diva is back for the beginning of the fall challenges. She left us with some fun guest bloggers over the summer and it is nice to have her back. Do pop over to welcome her back and join in on the fun! This week, she is having us do the new tangle, Zenith. Last week, it was the challenge for Square One, so I had already played with it a bit. I really thought that it could do more than be a border or frame, so I let it morph on its own and found that I could make it double back on itself. I eliminated the circles and added extra diamonds. Several were filled with Paradox. I've never filled in auras before as a design element and I like how it looks. Finally, I added a bit of a variation of Footlights to the top.
Square One's focus tangle was Yincut. I added some 'Neppel and Betweed.
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was necklace. Since the Diva has a son that must deal with some medical and physical issues, she has made us aware of Beads of Courage. This program developed as a way to encourage children dealing with serious illness. The beads are symbols of courage that has been shown during their journey.

Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your comments!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Zendala with Aquafleur

Do go over to The Bright Owl to get a template to create your own Zendala. I used Aquafleur around the outside, a form of Hurry for the inside, and just simple line work and dots for the rest.
For more tangle fun, visit yesterday's post!

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading comments :)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Zentangle® Zenith, Windfarm, and an Inchie

Holly Atwater, CZT, is the guest blogger over at The Diva Challenge this week. Holly does some wonderful meditative audios for you to listen and tangle to. I, for some reason, need silence when I seriously tangle, so this doesn't work for me, but do give it a try. She did offer an alternative challenge for us, and that one was to use Betweed. I really wanted to try out the new tangle from (read the most recent newsletter for step-outs) called Zenith. So, I put the two together.
Facebook's Square One had a focus tangle of Man-O-Man and/or Windfarm (Margaret Bremner). I used both.
And, Every Inchie Monday had a prompt word of "Pavilion". Sorry, folks, I couldn't even begin to think of anything clever this week. So, just a plain old pavilion. Wish I were there enjoying some sea breezes!

Just an aside. I am now back to doing the Zendala Dare. I will be posting these on Tuesdays (unless life gets in the way LOL). This week only, I will post a link to the last one I did.

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Zendala Dare #106

Surprise everyone. Here I am mid-week with a Zendala. Erin, over at The Bright Owl was a guest for The Diva Challenge last week and that reminded me of how much I enjoy doing Zendalas. When she stopped posting, I had switched over to doing the Every Inchie Monday instead. It's nice to find that she is back and posting templates for us.

I find it overwhelming, myself, when I go to a blog and it is soooo full of things to look at. Therefore, I will not add this to my regular Monday posting where I show the Diva Challenge, Square One from Facebook, and the Inchie. Do check out my Monday posting if you are not familiar with those.

The template was a really nice one and I decided to try to make it look nothing like the original template. So, I'm not sure I would really think of these as tangles, but more like line work.
 Thank you for stopping by. I always enjoy and appreciate any comments that are left :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Zentangle® Verve, Jonqal, and an Inchie

I am the Diva's guest this week is Sharla Hicks, CZT. She asked us to undulating tangles with C and S forms. I love Verve and thought I would do a grouping of them with pearls as the centers and a few scattered about with some ribbons.
Square One, Facebook, has a focus tangle of Jonqal. I had to add a few Tipple too.
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt work is "lamp"! From the Statue of Liberty, "I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
 Thank you all for stopping by. I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Zentangle® a Zendala, Schway/Aroz, and an Inchie

Erin Olsen, CZT, is the guest over at The Diva Challenge. Laura is the genius behind The Bright Owl, home of the weekly Zendala Dare. She left us with a nice little template to just have fun with. I started with Margaret Bremner, CZT's, tangle Croon. From there, I just played with lines and shading.
Square One on Facebook had a focus tangle of Schway (or Aroz) to which I added Paradox and Fescu.
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word was Wall. First thought, which I don't usually go with, was my favorite CD int the late 80's Pink Floyd The Wall!

Thanks so much for stopping by. If you leave a message, I so appreciate it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Zentangle® Negative Space and an Inchie

Hello everyone! I really had fun with this week's Diva Challenge presented to us by guest hostess, Sandy Hunter CZT. She challenged us to leave some negative space. I almost always do that, so I thought I would make mine more of a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) by beginning with something a bit more "real" as my "string"! I used Fife (with interior auras), Hurry, and Meer.
Square One's focus tangle for this week was Circuital to which I added Mooka and Jetties.
And, for Every Inchie Monday the prompt was "window". Do think before you click on "buy" so you don't throw money out the window!

Thanks for stopping by and I truly enjoy reading your comments!