
Monday, October 16, 2017

Zentangle® Last Post

Hello all my friends and followers. Today I am posting my last post for Tangle Street Studio, for now anyway. I have followed many people over the years who have simply disappeared. Being of a certain age, I always worry that the blogger may be ill, or worse. I don't want anyone to worry about me. I am in excellent health and happy. However, I have found myself becoming increasingly stressed with all the things I have added to my plate over the four years since I have retired. Not good at all. I've thought about this for some time and decided that it is for the best for me to give myself some breathing room.

You may have noticed that I have been doing more ZIA, Zentangle Inspired Art, lately. Drawing, coloring, and painting allows me to explore my creativity and gives me more opportunities to learn, that's where you'll find me. If you would like to continue to see what I am up to,  I work with cards and coloring techniques on Instagram as jeanchaneyaz, at TangleStreetColorway,  and on Facebook as TangleStreet. If I can find the time, I will start posting my mixed media and journaling pieces on TangleStreetJournals&MixedMedia.

I will leave you with the last of The Diva Challenges to use her tangle Artoo.
My best to each and every one of you. You have been such an encouraging group, and has been such a pleasure working along side of you and getting to know you.
With much fondness, Jean

Monday, October 2, 2017

Zentangle® Tint, Baton, and Tri-Roda

As it is the first Monday of the month, it is a "use my tangle" over at I am the Diva, is from Henrike Bratz, CZT. The tangle, Tint, is really a lot of fun to work with. I am in the process of doing an Online pencil coloring class from Kit and Clowder, so my pencils were on the table.
I added just a bit of red sparkle gel pen to the Mooka and between the Tipple.

Facebook's focus tangle from Square One this week is CZT Carole Ohl's Baton.

Eni Oken's tangle Tri-Roda with Copic markers, completes this weeks tangles.
Thank you for stopping by. And a special thanks to all of you who leave me such nice comments. I really enjoy reading them.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Zentangle® 'Nzeppel and Pixioze,

 I am the Diva posted a video of Molly doing "Crazy" 'Nzeppel. Well, as you might imagine, that's just about the only kind I ever do. With the holidays coming up, I got the idea to use a digital image (looks like it may have been retired) from Bugaboo Stamps to make a Christmas card using the "Nzeppel.
I colored it with Copic Markers (greys only) then topped with Spectrum Noir Sparkle. I actually found an ornament hanger in a drawer where I keep special ornaments.

And, from Square One on Facebook, the focus tangle is Pixioze by CZT Margaret Bremner. I do like this one a lot. I paired it with Shattuck and a bit of a sunburst idea on the top.
Thanks for stopping by. Leave me a comment if you have the time. I truly enjoy reading them.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Zentangle® Cozy Tangled Cups, and Aftican Artist

Guest posters, Juliette Fiessinger and Kellie Fellinge, for I am the Diva, have asked us to think of what cozy means to us and use that in our tangling this week.

My idea of "cozy"is when fall comes, and in the evening, after finishing all the required duties of the day, that a hot cup of coffee is the BEST!
I used Bloom, Strickles, Msst, and Meer. I did turn this into a card for a card challenge. So, if you would like to see what it became, click here.

The focus tangle for Square One, Facebook, this week is African Artist by CZT Tina Hunziker. I let the lines go a bit and focused on the inner seed. Then, I let Squid wander through. Do look up the tangle so you can see what it really should look like :)

Thanks for stopping by. Leave me a comment if you have the time. I truly enjoy reading them.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Zentangle® Squarz, Btl Joos, and Fleevy

Laura is back at I am the Diva after a long deserved summer break with her family. We all appreciate the fun challenges that her guest bloggers provided us to keep us amused while she was gone.

This week's challenge is to use squares as a string. Of course, I had to go my own way, LOL!
Years ago I came up with an idea to overlap squares like this. At that time, I called it Squarz. Very original, huh?  I used Copic Markers, colored pencils, cut it with a die cut, then edged with Distress Inks.

Since there was no post over at the Diva's, I have two weeks of focus tangles from Square One for you. The first is BTL Joos from Sandy Steen Bartholomew
and, the second is this week's tangle from Hanny Waldburger is, Fleevy.
Thanks for stopping by. I missed all of you last week. As always, I do appreciate the comments you leave.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Zentangle® a Petoskey Stone, Ballenchain, and a Mosaic

So delighted to have Jane Reiter join in at I am the Diva as guest blogger this week. She introduced me to a fossil that I had never seen, the Petoskey Stone. Amazing. Do pop over and follow her links to learn more. Since I have a faux riverbed in my front yard, I went hunting for a suitable flat stone to tangle. This is what I came up with:
I washed the stone then I used Sharpie paint pens. The centers are Printemps.

Square One, Facebook, has a focus tangle of Ballenchain by CZT Sandy Steen Bartholomew.

And, for those of you who asked, I finished the mosaic/plate building on last week's 3Z tile that I started.

Thanks to all of you that came to visit, and a special thanks to those who leave me such nice comments each week. I so enjoy reading them. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Zentangle® Ribbon Style, Hakrall, and an Oval in Copic Markers

Guest poster this week at I am the Diva, is Jeanette Clawson, CZT. She suggests that we do part of a mosaic style tile that could be put together as a Zentangle Plate using ribbon style tangles. I took 6 of the 3Z tiles and drew circles in pencil. Here is the first completed tile in a rainbow style.
I used, from the bottom up, Odee by Susan Mayers CZT, Bales, Remo by Anne Marks, Watusee by Virginia Lockhart CZT, and Hurry.
The focus tangle for Square One, on Facebook, this week is Hakrail by CZT Holly Atwater. This really looks nice done by a more "grid like" tangler, which I am not. But, I did have fun pushing it a bit.
And, for a bit of Copic marker tangling, another oval.
Thanks for stopping by. I always love reading your comments.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Zentangle® Fragment D-1, Chaz, and Abukas

Our guest poster over at I am the Diva this week is Marguerite Samama, CZT. She proposed that we use the Fragment D-1 from the Zentangle Primer book. A lot of you will recognize this fragment as Chaz, a tangle I presented at my CZT training in 2013. I'm looking forward to seeing our creative group play with this one.
I used Prismacolor pencils, Micron pen in brown, and edged in Distress Inks on a 3Z tile.

The focus tangle for Square One this week is Abukas by CharKat, CZT. If you follow the Diva and look at the contributions, you will know CharKat and her beautiful tangling.
To me, many tangles are extensions of others. I always have loved the stacking in Hurry, which I believe grew into Arukas and then Abukas. I have added some of that patterning in between these two. Try adding that style around any shape and have some fun!

And, this week I was experimenting with connecting tangles. Coloring was done with Copic markers. I think I may continue the green from the upper Crescent Moon down into the Hollibaughed area. What do you think?
Thank you so much for always encouraging me with your thoughtful comments, and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Zentangle® Aloha and Scute

Running a bit behind this week since Monday was a Canadian holiday and yesterday the Hubby and I took a little road trip up north.

I was so pleased to see that Suzanne Fluhr is the guest blogger over at I am the Diva this week. She shared her tangle, Aloha, and well as a cute photo of Dino her cutie dog.
I used some colored Copic and Sharpie pens and some Polychromos pencils for shading.

The focus tangle on Square One, Facebook, is Scute by Lily Moon. This is a Facebook link. However, Lily also has a YouTube video that I haven't looked at yet .I added some Mooka, Jetties, and Fescu.
That's it for this week. I hope you are having a great one, and I thank you all that visit and leave comments!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Zentangle® Lisbon Fragment, and Flovine

This week at I am the Diva, our guest is Henrike Bratz, CZT, sharing her step-outs for a tangle she calls Lisbon Fragment. Do go look and see how it really was supposed to be done. I tried to get it to do a twist, but I would really have to go back and rethink this to see if I could get it to work better. Sometimes I think I know what I should do, but sometimes I really don't. However, posting exactly what I did using a regular Zentangle tile and adding some Marvy Le Plume pens.
Square One, on Facebook, has a really nice tangle from Lin Chiu, CZT, called Flovine. I put it into Quib and added an upper shadow of Bales.

And, since I really liked this tangle, I put it into a circle, added Squid, and colored with Copic Markers.

Thanks for stopping by. I truly love reading all of your comments!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Zentangle® 'Nzeppel and Block'd

Our special guest this week at I am the Diva, is Elisa Murphy, CZT. Elisa challenged us to use 'Nzeppel. 'Nzeppel is one of my favorites, so I needed to try something new. I chose a Renaissance tile and two very glittery pens (which don't show up well in the photo). I did double lines for the shaped to squeeze into and flared out the shape. Colored pencils were used for the shading and highlighting.
The focus tangle on Square One, Facebook, is Block'd by Jane Eileen Malone, CZT. I was fortunate enough to be able to take many classes from Jane. She definitely has a mathematical mind and I can find her tangles a bit challenging. But, that's always good to try to stretch now and then.
Keeping it short this week. Glad you could stop by. I appreciate all comments.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Zentangle® Some Peanuts, Peanuckle, and Rope String

Jessica Davies is with us again this week as guest poster over at I am the Diva. She challenged us to use Peanuckle. This tangle gave me fits for a long time. Even with the expert teaching from Molly at my CZT training, I still trembled at the thought. This tile proves that one should revisit difficult tangles at a later date. No problems with this one at all anymore. And, sorry, I just had to do this, LOL!
Square One, on Facebook, has a focus tangle of Fluxecho with the step-outs created by Lynn Shelton Mead. I added an aura and filled using Knightsbridge.
And for that splash of color,I had to try Rope String from CZT Margaret Bremner. I used Copic Markers for the color. In support of our Online friends, Michele from Coffee & Creativity, I will add this one to the MadeByJoey Weekly Challenge.     
Thanks so much for dropping by. I do love reading your comments!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Zentangle® With Hearts, Kofeforn, CoffeeCups, and Companion

Guest, Jessica Davies, CZT, over at I am the Diva, has suggested we use hearts this week in our challenge. I happened to have out my Oxide Distress Inks and my stencils for some card making that I was doing, so I started with that. Then, I thought that I should use a tangle from Laura herself to fill the hearts, so I selected Kofeforn, a tangle I had not yet used before. O tangled with a purple Copic Multiliner and shadowed with a dark pink colored pencil. Here's some love to both Laura and Jessica.
This week's focus tangle on Square One, Facebook, is a tangle from Simone Hassel called CoffeeCups. (This is a Pinterest site, so I'm not sure you can see it if you are not a member.)
And, for even more color, but this time with Copics, I used Companion by Carrie Liao.
Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy each comment thoroughly.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Zentangle® a Prickly Pear, and Campreap

It will be super nice to see everyone show their pride in their living space in this world. The challenge at I am the Diva is to do a tile that reflects our home. I am very happy to be located in the southwest of the USA. This is something we see often, and yes, our sunsets and sunrises can be much more vivid than this.
I used watercolor pencils on the cactus that I drew. I added partial Ahh for the prickly parts (prickly pear cactus) and some "rocks" of Festune.

The focus tile for Square One on Facebook is Camreap by Susan Yeo, CZT.
Of course, I love to stretch tangles, so I added a Bunzo type center and an aurua. I added Fescu and a Bunzo style Jetties to balance out the look.

Sometime I push too hard and wind up with an "oops"! Of course, there are no mistakes in Zentangle, so I took this Campreap that went wrong and just kept going. Never toss a tile, you can always learn something.
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit, and I love reading your comments!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Zentangle® a Card with Aquafleur

Short and sweet this week. The selected tangle at I am the Diva this week is Aquafleur. I have a very special fondness for this tangle as it was the one presented at my CZT training four years ago. Who couldn't love something directly learned from the masters?
Copics, Stamps, and Die Cuts Used
I stamped the image with a light colored Momento Ink in pink. Added the Aquafleur using a Copic Multiliner in pink, then added the Copics. The background was created using a Gelli Plate, and some clear sequins were added. The butterfly and the blue paper are popped up for dimension on this shaped card.

The focus tangle for Square One on Facebook is Flez, by Lori Howe (Sorry, no link as it is posted on Flickr,) I added some Verve and Bunzo.

Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy every comment that you leave.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Zentangle® Strutz, Aura, and a Splash of Color

The non-dominate hand challenge showed up today at I am the Diva. We are to aura a tangle. She encouraged us to think that our tile has "character"! Mine certainly does! I did everything, including the shading and chop with my left hand.
I use kind of a half Ing and Rain to aura using a Renaissance tile.

The focus tangle on Square One, Facebook is Strutz by Sarah Fowler. Most of the shared tangles look like melting tinker toys. They really look great that way and I encourage you to take a look at this fun tangle.

And, for the splash of color, I thought it would be fun to play with a spiral and some 'Nzeppel. I used Copics to color.

Thanks for stopping by. Please know how much I love reading your comments!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Zentangle® Dansk, Verve, Showgirl, and Dew Drops

I was so pleased to see CZT Margaret Bremner's Dansk pop up on I am the Diva for this week's challenge. I immediately thought of Verve for the centers and built up from there. Of course, I had to criss-cross rather than go under each one. I used a die cut from Stampin Up to create the shape for filling.
I used Polychromos colored pencils for the darker blues and a pastel pencil for shading.

Square One, Facebook, has a focus tangle of Showgirl by Vicki Bassett to which I added Quib.

And, feeling like doing a couple of dew drops, I grabbed a 3Z tile and did some very simple tangles so I could put my focus on the dew drops.
Thanks for stopping by. I do enjoy your comments.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Zentangle® Beads of Courage and Puffin

Using Beadlines to pull together another Beads of Courage for the I am the Diva challenge this year. I used Gansai Tambi watercolors, in some of the shades associated with specific beads, on a regular Zentangle tile, sprayed it with Shimmer Mist and covered it with crinkled Saran Wrap. When dry, I used some of the shapes I saw to create the beads. 

It was so thrilling to see my tangle, Puffin, show up as the focus tangle on Square One, Facebook. I was so busy commenting on every entry that I ran out of time to do a second. So, here is a repost of the original tile using Puffin with Noom and a link to the stepouts.

Used on a card with Copics
Here is a direct link to some of the wonderful ways that were used to create some fantastic tiles. Thanks for all your support!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Zentangle® a Diptych, Dreamdex, Spinz, and Teaching

Laura, over at I am the Diva, challenged us to do a Diptych. Since I do not have the app, I did some of my own research to see some examples. I adapted an arch, cut with a Die-namics die, to make a split tangle that I applied to a card base.
The center, cut is flat and the edges are raised with foam tape and centered in the stitched border.

Square One, on Facebook, has a focus tangle of Dreamdex by CZT, Debbie New.
I added my newest tangle, Spinz, to the lovely tangle that Debbie created.

I always enjoy seeing photos from my Online friends. I seldom post them, but I had such a great time teaching a fun group of "real life" friends some Zentangle, that I decided to share a photo of me actually teaching and some of the completed tiles. As you can see, one of the ladies is really interested in ZIA, Zentangle Inspired Art!
Teaching Zentangle

Beginner Class

Thanks for stopping by. Comments are always welcome and appreciated!