I am very pleased to let you know that I completed my
Copic Training, am now a Copic Certified Designer, and will soon receive a button to place on the side of my blog to prove it :) It was so much fun, and very informative. I learned so a lot and can hardly wait to share some techniques with my ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) students. I won't make you look at everything that I do, but I thought I would share just one piece that I did. (Can't you just see this with tangled leaves?)
Laura, the Diva, challenged us to to try grid-based patterns on curvy or uneven grids. I started off, more predictably, and tosses that tile aside undone, and went back and got a bit more "wild" with my lines. Now, that was fun!
Bales, Florz, Strircles with Grid |
The Inchie for today,
Every Inchie Monday, was "Dark". I couldn't make up my mind, so I did a flashlight, lightbulb, and fireworks on black paper.
And, finally, a tile that uses a "string" made with glitter glue, background in Gellatos:
nzepple, Fescu, Tipple, Verve |
Thanks for stopping by, and thank you so much for all your encouraging comments!