Did you all miss me? I notice that hardly anyone comment on last week's post even though I prepared it ahead of time to post while I was gone. Anyway, hubby and I are back and I have been busy trying to catch up on all my emails LOL! Coming home from a "vacation" is exhausting. We love steam trains, and so we celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary (If you married a toad, keep going until you find your prince. I finally did!) by taking a train up in Colorado and New Mexico. It was absolutely perfect in every way :)
Now, let's get on to why you're here. You want to see the
Diva Challenge for this week, which is to use the colors of the rainbow.
I used my Sakura Gelly Roll pens on a black tile. I shaded with colored pencils and added some white gel pen accents.
Or, maybe you're here to see this weeks tangle from
Square One, Facebook, which was Flux. I added a bit of Rixty, Hollibaugh, Tipple, and a partial aura.

Then, again, you may be here to see the Every Inchie Monday square with a prompt word of "Etna!" Did you know that there is an
is a fictional character who appears in the Disgaea series of video games? Well, me neither, but in my quest to learn new things, I found out!
I'm happy to be home and hope you all come back and leave me some of your much appreciated comments!