Busy, busy. You think my life? No, I think my tangles! The Zendala Dare from Erin at
The Bright Owl was back this week. We are all so HAPPY! Which was our dare, to use the letters of HAPPY if we chose to. Well, I was working on that and I wound up with a
very busy piece. I was able to use Hurry, Arc Flower, Paushalov, Pepper variation, and Yincut. I decided to go with a thicker black pen and define some of the areas, and I think that helped.
You must go over to
I Am the Diva and read about Beads of Courage. My husband and I were both moved to tears. My tile is dedicated to Artoo because that little guy is so precious:
And, this week's
Inchie was to use the word "Legal". My first thought was a legal pad. I love them. I guess I love all paper, pencils, erasers, pens, crayons, paints, markers... well, you get the idea :)