I never look at others' tangles before I post mine. Why? Well, if I see how wonderful they are I might be too intimidated to post my own, or I might feel like I have to go back and redo mine. I know, silly, but it is a flaw of my nature that I just have to work with, and not peeking is how I do it. Those of you who use blogger will know that when you open it up, the first thing it shows you is recent posts from those on your blogroll list. So, I open mine up to post and there is, where I can't miss seeing it,
LeeAnn's entry for this week's
Dive Challenge and it, as always, is so gorgeous that my mouth dropped. Sigh.... I will post mine anyway LOL!
I used Beeline, Ambler, Hibred, Tortuca and Chartz. What's the difference between Ambler and Emingle? In Ambler, the pattern moves clockwise whereas with Emingle the pattern repeats.

Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Quartz Crystal". I started thinking about quartz. Did you know it is said to have powers? Like a crystal ball? Gel pens on black and I used some Glossy Accent over the ball to give it depth. I looked into my crystal ball and saw more time on the Internet, my studio getting more and more stuffed with things I
need, and a lot of happiness.
What do you see in your future?
And, I have joined another group on Facebook for people who really want to do traditional Zentangle tiles. It is called
Square One: Purely Zentangle®. So, I will now post my weekly entry for that group as well. This week, we were to use Bronx Cheer as a tangle, not as a mistake cover.
Bronx Cheer, Striping, Tipple, and Quib |